Site Updates from 2001
Monday, 2001.12.31 The?Fan Fiction Section?had been updated with chapter two of?Subsequently, which deals with the ending of an era and a legend…

Tuesday, 2001.12.25 Merry Christmas to all! (or if you prefer) Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral, celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all . . . and a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2002, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great, (not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country or is the only “AMERICA” in the western hemisphere), and without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith, choice of computer platform, or sexual preference of the wishee.
By accepting this greeting, you are accepting these terms. This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her/himself or others, and is void where prohibited by law, and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher. This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year, or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first, and warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher.

Friday, 2001.12.21 If you have not been able to log on yesterday or today, it was because of server problems, but all should be okay now. I hope… 😉
Additionally,?Federation’s End III: Twilight Chapter 6?is now online in the?Fan Fiction Section.
And lastly for today, I have posted an image of the NX-01’s Dedication Plaque in the?Dedication Plaque Section.

Monday, 2001.12.17 We have just added our interview with?Penny Juday, the co-editor of?Star Trek the Magazine, curator of the museum at?Star Trek the Experience, and much more (she is one busy lady!) to our?Production of Trek?Section — check it out!
And it’s down to the last few days of the?Star Trek Charity Auction?and one of the items up for auction is the?Mind Meld?DVD Signed by both William Shanter & Leonard Nimoy. This one is worth getting!

Saturday, 2001.12.15 Remember, there is NO CLUE for the?Monthly Contest?this month because there is no question — just a prize that anyone could win just by entering! So what are you waiting for?

Wednesday, 2001.12.05 There have been a few changes made to the?FAQ & Support Section?in regard to helping out with the support and continued operation of this site.

Tuesday, 2001.12.04 I have updated?ENTERPRISE: The Historical Archive?by adding a?Miscellaneous Section?with something everyone wants one of, so check it out!

Sunday, 2001.12.02 The?Star Trek Charity Auction?has kicked into full gear.?CLICK HERE?to see what’s available and to place a bid. Remember, all funds raised will be going to the New York State World Trade Center Relief Fund.

Saturday, 2001.12.01 To celebrate this Holiday Season, we will not be asking a question in the?Monthly Contest?as so everyone who enters has a chance to win the?Star Trek: First Contact?Latinum Edition Sculpture of Captain Jean-Luc Picard made by Playmates Toys. And congratulations go out to Richard Brandt of Colorado who won?last month’s prize.

Friday, 2001.11.30Just a reminder — today’s the last day to enter to win the ENTERPRISE Patch in the?Monthly Contest Section!

Thursday, 2001.11.29Several new updates have been added to?ENTERPRISE: The Historical Archive?– find out what they are in it’s?What’s New?section.

Wednesday, 2001.11.28A new series has been started by our Featured Author in the?Fan Fiction Section, entitled?Subsequently, which deals with the ending of an era and a legend…

Tuesday, 2001.11.27 Although it doesn’t really have anything to do with the LCARSCom.Net, I just wanted to say I picked up my personalized license plate today: “MY NX01” so if you see me, be sure to say hi.

Monday, 2001.11.26Chapter 4 of?Qniverse?has been posted in the?Fan Fiction Section.

Friday, 2001.11.23The?Weekly Poll?has been updated and a new question added: Which series’ opening theme do you like most?

Tuesday, 2001.11.20The new Virtual Series story?The Battle of Wolf 359 (part one)?is now up in the?Fan Fiction Section?and is really cool because it offers graphics to go along with the story.

Saturday, 2001.11.17Chapter 5 of?Federation’s End III: Twilight?has been posted in the?Fan Fiction Section.

Friday, 2001.11.16This month’s clue has been posted in the?Monthly Contest Section?– good luck!

Thursday, 2001.11.15Chapter 3 of?Qniverse?and chapters 3 & 4 of?Federation’s End III: Twilight?have been posted in the?Fan Fiction Section.

Tuesday, 2001.11.13Qniverse, the new story by our Fearured Author E.L. Zimmerman, has been added to the?Fan Fiction Section. Check it out!

Monday, 2001.11.12I have added the?Collectors Set II Individual Micro Machine Ships?to eBay, so complete your collection today!

Friday, 2001.11.02The?Weekly Poll?has been updated and a new question added: Which captain would you most like to serve under?

Wednesday, 2001.10.31Happy Halloween! My treat to you all? The?Animations, all of them, are back up!
Also, check out?this month’s contest?– you want one of these! And congratulations go out to Brian Cahill of Florida who won?last month’s prize.
Lastly, I have added the?Collectors Set II Individual Micro Machine Ships?to eBay, so get them while you can! Plus there are several other goodies there.

Tuesday, 2001.10.30An editorial entitled?Federation Starship Designs Unsafe!?has been added to the?Fan Fiction Section.

Monday, 2001.10.29I have added 5 new images to the?3-D Section, and they are really awesome!

Friday, 2001.10.26The?Weekly Poll?has been updated and a new question added: Which is your favotite starship?

Wednesday, 2001.10.24Something small but cool: I have posted a?size comparison?between the Spacedock, DS9, the Enterprise E, Voyager and Defiant.

Tuesday, 2001.10.23I have updated a few things around the site (Links?&?Birthdays, nothing big), but also I have added two new plaque images to the?Dedication Plaques Section: the PASTEUR and the TSIOLKOVSKY.

Monday, 2001.10.22If you don’t already know, we are a proud participant in the?Star Trek Charity Auction?– click the banner for more details.

Thursday, 2001.10.18The?Weekly Poll?has been updated and a new question added: Who would you like to see as a guest character in Star Trek: X?

Wednesday, 2001.10.17I have added my “artist’s rendition” of the?Enterprise’s Dedication Plaque?from all the information I had on hand to the?Plaques Section?and the?NX-01 Section.

Tuesday, 2001.10.16Although it’s been up a few days now, and there are still quite a few links not finished, I wanted to announce the grand opening of our newest section:?ENTERPRISE: The Historical Archive.

Friday, 2001.10.11Are you a fan of the LCARS Computer Network? Would you like your own personal e-mail showing your support of the LCARSCom.Net??Now you can!

Thursday, 2001.10.11I have added a?weekly poll?in which questions will be asked and you can give your opinion!

Wednesday, 2001.10.10Wow, this month’s?Contest?must be a hard one — not a correct answer yet! Well, to help you out, I’ve added the first clue.

Tuesday, 2001.10.09Click?HERE?to listen to the ENTERPRISE theme?Faith of the Heart?by Russel Watson.

Sunday, 2001.10.07A brand new section is coming soon:?Enterprise: Historical Archive.
Plus the USS Enterprise nuclear aircraft carrier is aiding in the kicking of some terrorist @$$ todat and for some time to come!!!

Friday, 2001.10.05Do you like props? Did you like Voyager? Do you want to buy a genuine prop from Voyager? Then?go here?(but you better be sitting down).

Thursday, 2001.10.04We are back up with a great new high speed server! Let me know if you find any broken links.

Tuesday, 2001.10.02Well, four servers (or was it five — I really don’t remember) in four months — I think that’s a new record! Seriously, I want to apologize to all who were slowed down by my site’s ssssssllllllooooowwwwww server speed. All should be back to normal by the end of the week, I hope.

Monday, 2001.10.01A new?Monthly Contest?has been posted and you could win if you know the answer!

Wednesday, 2001.09.26We are all out of tickets for?ENTERPRISE?on the Big Screen?– thanks for all who asked for one!

Tuesday, 2001.09.25Ticket information for?ENTERPRISE?on the Big Screen?has been posted.

Thursday, 2001.09.20If you live in the Middle Tennessee Region, you can join UPN 30 and the LCARSCom.Net for?ENTERPRISE?on the Big Screen!

Monday, 2001.09.17 I would love to say things are back to normal, but I don’t think that will happen for a long long time, if it ever even does… What I will say is thanks to all those who wrote with messages of concern and blessings over the last week. Thank you all for the very kind words — they are much appreciated.
As far as the site goes, chapter two of?Federation’s End III: Twilight?and?The Dominion Revisited?has been posted in the?Fan Fiction Section?plus this weeks?Animations?are updated.

Wednesday, 2001.09.12 Amazon.com?has set up a donations page where you can support the?Red Cross NYC & DC relief efforts. As of my adding this link, there have been nearly 40,000 donations totalling over 1.1 million dollars — thanks all!

Tuesday, 2001.09.11 Our thoughts and prayers go out to those in need today… It looks like we’re still far from the world of peace in Star Trek. As a citizen of the United States, I look forward to the day that the cowards who perpetrated this horrendous act are caught and punished.
“Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward and I assure you freedom will be defended. Make no mistake. The United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly actions,” President George W. Bush

Monday, 2001.09.10Well, the first batch sold, so now I have up on eBay a second batch of?26 different Star Trek Micro Machines?(including the super rare USS Voyager) — so complete your collection today!
Oh yeah,?Vic’s back.

?HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!? September marks the beginning of the 5th year on the internet for the LCARS Computer Network, and to celebrate, we are holding the first annual?LCARSComNet Scavenger Hunt.
Grand prize is the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D pewter ship produced by the Franklin Mint. Five runners-up will receive an 11″x17″ sketch reprint of either the Enterprise E or the Phoenix (randomly chosen), signed by John Eaves, Senior Illustrator for ENTERPRISE, exclusively for this contest.
The Scavenger Hunt runs from September 1st, 2001 to October 1st, 2001 and is open to anyone; and the earlier you stop by, the better your chance is of winning BIG!

Friday, 2001.08.31I have just added to eBay?46 different Star Trek Micro Machines?(including the super rare NCC-1701-E) — so complete your collection today!

Tuesday, 2001.08.28Courtesy?The Excelsior Campaign, we now bring you the further adventures of Captain Sulu in the?Fan Fiction Section. Stop by and find out what happens next!
Also added are several more?3-D Images?and one?Misc Image.

Friday, 2001.08.24Over a year in the making… The start of the finish of?Federation’s End III: Twilight?by E. L. Zimmerman.

Thursday, 2001.08.23I’ve received several new?Contest Entries?(only a week left for you to enter), several new?Starship Images?(a 1701, a 1701-D, and a Voyager), and a new?Fan Fiction?entitled?Starange New Worlds: First Voyage.

Friday, 2001.08.17Two new stories,?The Life Worth Living?and?The Right Stuff, have been added to the?Fan Fiction Section?and are really cool because they offer graphics to go along with the stories. Check ’em out!

Wednesday, 2001.08.15Added to the?Screen Saver Section?is a new USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A Screen Saver – it’s pretty cool!
And as a reminder, there is no clue for?this month’s contest?since it’s of a different nature from the usual trivia question.

Monday, 2001.08.13Due to a technical glitch, I had to put back on?eBay?the Defiant, Pasteur, the future Klingon Battlecruiser, and the 3 Nacelle Enterprise D.
I have also added this weeks?animations.

Wednesday, 2001.08.08I have just added to?eBay?the?First Contact Enterprise E Model. Get it while you can!

Monday, 2001.08.06Week 4’s Animations?are online, including?two brand new animations!

Saturday, 2001.08.04I have just placed on eBay the?16 Micro Machine Ships?from the Star Trek Limited Edition Collector’s Set II. Some of these ships are rare, so be sure to get them while you can!

Friday, 2001.08.03I have added to the?Fan Fiction Section?a Star Trek crossover story entitled?Collision of Realities?by Robert Morganbesser.
Also added to the site are the first entries to the?Monthly Contest.

Wednesday, 2001.08.01Posted is our?latest award, this one from?The USS Hyphron?– thanks!

Tuesday, 2001.07.31A new, and different,?Monthly Contest?has been posted. In it, you could win a really cool, and big, prize. And congratulations go to Nikolai Stepanov who was the winner of?July’s Contest.

Monday, 2001.07.30Well, I am finally moved in but there are boxes everywhere! Now if I could just find my PC…
On a happier note,?Week 3’s Animations?are online, including?two brand new animations!

Tuesday, 2001.07.24I am moving to a/my new house this week, so there won’t be any updates until about Monday. See you then!
Check out the new (I wish!) Original Series book,?Orion Slave Princess.
The second cycle of?LCARS Animations?are online! Check ’em out!

Sunday, 2001.07.22I have, again, updated the Star Trek in?3-D Image Section?with even more new images from from several different people — thanks guys!
And I picked up my Star Trek Ornaments yesterday — and Sisko’s holding his baseball! *GRIN*

Friday, 2001.07.20I have updated the Star Trek in?3-D Image Section?with several new awesome pics from?Star Trek: Avery RPG.
And be sure to check out your local Hallmark store tomorrow, as that is when the new Deep Space Nine Ornaments go on sale!
??? ???

Thursday, 2001.07.19
Did that song during the last night’s ENTERPRISE promo get your blood flowing for September’s premier? If it did, now you can?LISTEN TO IT HERE! It’s by a band called?The Calling and is entitled?Wherever You Will Go?which is on their debut album?Camino Palmero, but as of yet we have no official word as to whether or not it will be the ENTERPRISE theme song.
I have been notified that the register service has not pointed all the DNS entries to my new host, so some people still can’t access us… All I can say is be patient.

Wednesday, 2001.07.18I have added scans of the actual Dedication Plaque props belonging to the USS Prometheus and the USS Voyager to the?Dedication Plaques Section.

Tuesday, 2001.07.17Well darn if it didn’t happen again! Thanks to everyone visiting my site (which is a good thing), I exceeded my bandwidth for the month and my host shut me down with no warning, on Friday the 13th, no less. And I just switched to them last month because of the same problem with the host prior to that. I think my new host will work out much better. And again, if you find any broken links, please?let me know?(I’m sure I missed a few).
I have also posted the clue to?The Monthly Contest?- good luck!

Thursday, 2001.07.12
Here is our exclusive first look at a different view of the new Enterprise NX-01 which is set up as an?800×600 wallpaper?~ a LCARS Computer Network exclusive! Although it is the Pre-TOS version of the Akira Class, it’s starting to get a uniqueness that’s all it’s own. Great jobs guys! (Please don’t link directly to the image – it eats way too much bandwidth – thanks.)

Wednesday, 2001.07.11There are several updates to tell you about. First, there are two additions to the?Fan Fiction Section😕Care and Feeding of the Pet Tribble?and?Useful Facts About Dilithium?– both are very funny. And second, there are three additions to the?Alien Database: the?Gomtuu (the Tin-Man), the?Iconians, and the?Q Continuum.

Monday, 2001.07.09I don’t usually use this section to voice my rants (maybe I should?), but after seeing the new Enterprise and hearing other’s opinions, I had to add my two cents worth…
Enterprise (or What I Learned in Temporal Mechanics)

I like the new (old?) design of the Enterprise. I also like Kirk’s Enterprise. Now with that having been said…
There have been a lot of grumbling about the ship not looking like the predecessor of Kirk’s 1701. But who ever said it had to be?
We can see the obvious relationship between Kirk’s 1701 and Picard’s 1701-E, but that was intentional by the designers at Utopia Planetia Ship Yards (or wherever). But for those six ships, there was not such a large gap in time between ships as there would be now — over 100 years between Archer’s Enterprise and Kirk’s. Who’s to say there won’t be another one, two, or even five Enterprises between the two, which would show more of a design lineage history?
Starfleet has hundreds of designs for their starships, and with Archer’s being the first real Starfleet starship (from the NX-01), could Kirk’s 1701 not have been a “bold new direction in starship design” for space exploration?

Sure the new Enterprise bears more than a passing resemblance to the Akira, which was intentional by TPTB, but why not? Obviously the Akira design was so good that Starfleet did not feel the need to change it in 200+ years.
Sure there are some people who would have liked to have seen an obvious reverse design lineage, but why does there have to be?
Does the USS Enterprise Aircraft Carrier CVAN-65 look like the Enterprise Space Shuttle OV-101? Does the Enterprise Space Shuttle OV-101 look like the Enterprise module which is being developed by Spacehab, Inc. (in partnership with the Russian company Energia, and will be attached to the Russian side of the ISS — International Space Station — set to launch in 2003)?
Come on folks, just because the name is Enterprise doesn’t mean it has to look like what we are used to.

Saturday, 2001.07.07Are you a 3-D Artist? Do you render Star Trek images with meshes? If so, let me know and I’ll see about adding them to our?Star Trek in 3-D Section.

Friday, 2001.07.06Added to the?Animation Section?is the Computer Core Shutdown .SWF from the?Custom Error Page.

Thursday, 2001.07.05I have added an awesome new section to the?Download Gallery?entitled?Star Trek in 3-D?where we have made available some of the finest 3-D mesh images online.

Tuesday, 2001.07.03We have a new?custom error page… cool!

Monday, 2001.07.02I have also just added a new LCARS USS Prometheus wallpaper to the?LCARS Images Gallery Section. It’s pretty cool…
I have just added the Voyager Master System screen saver to the?Screen Savers Section?– check it out!

Saturday, 2001.06.30I was given a bit more information about the Enterprises’s design by Doug Drexler, which can be found in the?Doug Drexler Q & A Session.
I have posted?July’s Contest, and it should be a real treat to all the Klingon fans out there! And congratulations go to Mike Corker who knew the answer to?June’s Contest.

Friday, 2001.06.29I have just posted my interview with Eden FX owner John Gross in the?Production of Trek Section. Eden FX is one of the CGI teams working on ENTERPRISE.

Wednesday, 2001.06.27WANTED:?One experienced modeler for assembly, painting and finishing of the USS Prometheus resin model by?Starcrafts. Please?E-MAIL ME?with photo references, to discuss payment, and with any questions. Thanks!
Friday, 2001.06.22We have animations!?Be sure to stop by our?Animations Section?for a few more animations that have snuck their way online, plus a few new ones!
In addition, I have added some?Star Trek comics?to?eBay, for those collectors out there.
And a quick note to say that the LCARS Computer Network is mentioned on?Cinescape/AssignmentX?in regard to our?Doug Drexler Q & A Session.

Thursday, 2001.06.21I am in the process of moving files around to the new server, so if you find any broken links, please?e-mail me?letting me know in case it’s one I missed. Thanks!

Tuesday, 2001.06.19I just added to?eBay?the?EXTREMELY RARE?Star Trek: First Contact Vulcan Statue, in which only 550 were made, and none were distributed here in the US. And be sure to check out my?other auctionsfor some great Trek items!
I have also added a signed?DS9: Memories from the Future?Aron Eisenberg/Nog card!
I would like to thank Doug Drexler for answering the questions that you all sent in for the?Q & A with Doug Drexler. The questions and answers have now been posted — be sure to stop by for a very informative read. Thanks Doug!

Monday, 2001.06.18I have updated the?Autographs Section?with several new signatures: David B. Levinson, John Eaves & Carol Bauman, Jerry Hardin, and Anne Francis.
I have also added the clue to the?Monthly Contest.
We were down again today due to IP caching of our new server. Please be patient (I’m trying to be…).

Friday, 2001.06.15Well folks, if you came by today and noticed we were down (or various broken links), it was due to our changing servers. I was notified the LCARSCom.Net had an average monthly download rate of 10 GIG so I had to move to a server that could handle the load. Now I just have to come up with a way to pay for it…

Thursday, 2001.06.14I would like to invite everyone to view our new Intro Movie on our?Front Page. It’s really awesome and worth watching (again and again)!

Wednesday, 2001.06.13THE ANIMATIONS ARE BACK ONLINE?(sort of…)!!! Although the majority of the LCARS Animations are still offline (due to lack of server space… anyone?), we have put up 23 smaller static LCARS Animations, which are awesome in their own right.?Check ’em out!
I have just put on?eBay?the rare?Deep Space Nine: Way of the Warrior?plate made by Hamilton Plates some years back.

Monday, 2001.06.11I have just added to the?Doug Drexler Q & A Section?a pic of the “T-bar” graphic panel that we are giving away. It was originally backlit and used on the Bridge of the USS Defiant in the?Deep Space Nine?episode?The Visitor. The Q & A and the winner will be posted soon!

Thursday, 2001.06.07I have added an new section entitled?The Production of Trek?in which you will find various interviews and Q & A sessions, including our exclusive?John Eaves Interview?and?Doug Drexler Q & A Session.
I have also added to eBay a?Custom One-of-a-Kind Franklin Mint Runabout Sculpture?~ get it while you can!

Tuesday, 2001.06.05Well, I didn’t want to go the rest of the month without having a contest (due to ending the?Doug Drexler Q & A?early — see below), so if you are a fan of Section 31, the?Updated June Contest?is contest is for you!

Monday, 2001.06.04Wow! I have just come back from the?WonderFest Convention?in Kentucky where I got to sit down with John Eaves, Senior Illustrator for?ENTERPRISE. You can?read the interview here?and pick up some of the tidbits he provided about the new show.
And unfortunately, we are no longer accepting questions for the Doug Drexler Q & A due to the already overwhelming responce we have received. We currently have over 200 questions, and now Mr. Drexler and I will knock that down to about 25 to 30. When completely answered, they will be found in the?Q & A with Doug Drexler Section. I apologize for any inconvience this may have caused.

Thursday, 2001.05.31The?June Contest?has been added, and this time we are letting you ask the question — to Doug Drexler, Junior Illustrator for?ENTERPRISE! In return, you could win an actual set prop donated by Mr. Drexler.
And congratulations go to Fred Link who knew the answer to?May’s Contest.

Wednesday, 2001.05.30Added to the?Screen Savers Section?is an Original Series screen saver, courtesy of?Adam’s Space Oddity.

Monday, 2001.05.28With the LCARS Screen Savers in the?Animations Section?still offline, I have decided to offer them on a CD for a small nominal charge (due to labor and CD cost)?here on eBay.

Wednesday, 2001.05.23Although not an update to the site, I just have to say that I enjoyed?Endgame, and will miss the crew… (I give it a 9 / 10 — it needed about 15 more minutes.)

Tuesday, 2001.05.22I have added two PC games,?DS9: The Fallen?and?Star Trek: Away Team, to?eBay, so bid NOW!

Monday, 2001.05.21I’d like to thank Doug D. for the?USS Relativity’s?dedication plaque motto, which I have now added to the?Dedication Plaques Section?– thanks Doug!

Tuesday, 2001.05.15The clue to the?Monthly Contest?has been posted — good luck!
Added to the?Fan Fiction Section?are two outstanding stories,?Revisionist History?and?Faith, both worth reading.

Monday, 2001.05.14I have added to eBay the?Original Series Romulan Cruiser, made by the Franklin Mint. Stop by for your chance to get it.
We were just awarded the?Golden Shield Award?by?Unimatrix 047. Thanks!

Wednesday, 2001.05.09I’m honored to announce the addition of Michael Jan Friedman to our?Star Trek Authors Section?– stop by and see what he has to say. Thanks Michael!

Monday, 2001.05.07Boy, talk about brain freezes… I neglected to update this page with information on this month’s contest… Boy, do I feel like a Horta in a vacuum! Anywho, be sure to stop by our?Contest Section?for your chance to win an autographed photo of Nog from DS9, signed by Aron Eisenberg expressly for this month’s contest.

Sunday, 2001.04.29I have updated the?Autographs Section?with three newly obtained signatures: Rom, Mog & Ishka (Moogie). They were all real nice and friendly — thanks.

Friday, 2001.04.27Well, I’m back from the?Starfest 2001 Convention?and I had a great time. It was great getting to meet some of you there!
I am currently reading all the e-mails that were sent, so be patient and I’ll reply as soon as I can.

Monday, 2001.04.09Added to the?Author’s Section?is the author of the?Star Trek: The Next Generation?book?Tooth and Claw, Doranna Durgin. Thanks Doranna!

Saturday, 2001.04.07As most of you know,?DS9 Horizons?is a campaign to get Star Trek: Deep Space Nine made into a movie or T.V. Mini-Series. There were over 6,700 signatures on the previous petition until the website hosting the petition went bankrupt. Now, it’s been re-started, and you are urged to?sign it again.

Friday, 2001.04.06I just added to?eBay?an original?DS9 Script?signed by all 8 of the cast members — check it out!

Tuesday, 2001.04.03A new comic strip has been added to the?Sev Trek and More Section?entitled?Freighter Tails: the Misadventures of Mzzkiti. Mzzkiti’s homepage can be found?here.

Monday, 2001.04.02Check out the three Franklin Mint Ships I just placed on?eBay?– you may just want one (or all three)!

Sunday, 2001.04.01We have a new contest this month in the?Contest Section?where we are giving away a signed copy of the Starfleet Library Version of Diane Carey’s Book?Best Destiny. And we are still waiting to hear back from last month’s winner of the?Star Trek: Klingon Academy?PC CD-Rom…

Saturday, 2001.03.31Today we were awarded with?Vic’s Gold Pressed Latinum Award?by the?Star Trek Midi Page. Thanks!

Friday, 2001.03.30Voting for?You Can’t Do That On Star Trek: Winter 2001 Youcant Awards?ends April 16th, so please stop by and vote for my submission (if you think it’s deserving), which can be found in the?Winter 2001 Galleries: Gallery Nine. Mine is the fourth entry down?(Worf & Gowron).
The LCARSCom.Net is now mirroring?Section 31’s?section for the Generations Cut Footage?here.

Thursday, 2001.03.29Wow… I just renewed the domain name LCARSCom.Net — it’s hard to believe I’ve had it for 2 years! And come September, we will have been on the net (including our old AOL address) for four years; just wait and see what we have planned!

Wednesday, 2001.03.28I have added a new autograph to?My Star Trek Autographs Section?–?Agent Sloan of Section 31.

Monday, 2001.03.26I have updated the?Behind the Scenes Section?to include the gifts given out at Christmas time from the Art Department of Star Trek to the Cast & Crew.

Wednesday, 2001.03.21I have just added to eBay a beautiful?Circuit Board Prop?piece from?Star Trek: Generations, along with two book sets (Dark Matters?and?Dark Passions).

Tuesday, 2001.03.20It looks like?You Can’t Do That On Star Trek?is back up. Notices went out from Tripod to the thousands of deleted sites stating, basically, they screwed up. So please stop by and vote for my submission (if you think it’s deserving), which can be found in the?Winter 2001 Galleries: Gallery Nine. Mine is the fourth entry down?(Worf & Gowron).

Monday, 2001.03.19I have added a search engine to the?Databank Page?so try it out…

Sunday, 2001.03.18In an effort to bring to light the lost/cut footage from?Star Trek: Generations, we have teamed up with?Section 31?to present you, the fans, what Paramount would not…?The Reel Thing – What Wasn?t Made So?(in the?Special Features Section).

Saturday, 2001.03.17Well, it looks like Tripod shut down?You Can’t Do That On Star Trek?again (it’s a long story). Crud…

Friday, 2001.03.16I just found out?You Can’t Do That On Star Trek?is back online. Please stop by and vote for my submission (if you think it’s deserving), which can be found in the?Winter 2001 Galleries: Gallery Nine. Mine is the fourth entry down?(Worf & Gowron).

Wednesday, 2001.03.14Over the last couple days I have added several new images to the?Download Gallery, specifically in the?LCARS Images?and the?Misc Images?Sections.
I have also added several Star Trek Ornaments to my?eBay Auctions.
I have updated the?Behind the Scenes?Section with a Section on?First Contact.

Monday, 2001.03.12I have recently put on?eBay?quite a few Trek Goodies, so be sure to stop by and bid high!

Tuesday, 2001.03.06I have just added a Medical LCARS Screen Saver to the?Screen Saver Section.

Saturday, 2001.03.03A few days ago I was notified that I had an entry on the site?You Can’t Do That On Star ?but it seems Tripod shut them down for some reason. Updates on the matter can be found?here.
In addition, I have added 2 new pics to the?Ship Gallery: one of the?Enterprise-B?and one of a painting of the?Enterprise-E.

Thursday, 2001.03.01If you are wondering why you have not received this month’s LCARS Computer Network Update in your e-mail, the reason is that I have suspended the newsletter for the time being. It may be back later, or not, but we’ll see.

Wednesday, 2001.02.28We have a new contest this month in the?Contest Section?where we are giving away the?Klingon Academy?CD-Rom Game from Interplay. And congrats go to Bruce who won the?Star Trek: First Contact Latinum Edition Borg Queen?in?February’s Contest.

Friday, 2001.02.23Added to the?LCARS Bookstore?are our new affiliates: Hallmark and the Franklin Mint. Here you will find the Star Trek Ornaments for 2001 and finest Star Trek collectables available this side of the wormhole.

Wednesday, 2001.02.21I have updated the?Daily News Briefs?because of the soon to be increased amount of Star Trek news based on the end of Voyager, the beginning of Series V, and the release of the 10th movie.

Tuesday, 2001.02.20I just added yet another animation to the?Animations Gallery?entitled Subspace Field Scan courtesy Toby Maddison of?the Okuda Library.
I also added three new screen savers to the?Screen Saver Section?courtesy Adam Grossguth of?Adam’s Space Oddity.

Monday, 2001.02.19I have added to the?Animations Gallery?a new Animation entitled?Dominion War Casuality Report?courtesy Toby Maddison of?the Okuda Library.
Also, there are only a few days left on the?Gene Roddenberry Signed Book?I placed on?eBay.

Wednesday, 2001.02.14I am pleased to announce the addition of authors Jerry & Kathy Oltion to our?Authors Section. Welcome!

Monday, 2001.02.12Well folks, I have added the in collectables to?my Ebay auctions. There you will find my limited edition copy of?Star Trek: The Motion Picture signed by Gene Roddenberry. The book was limited to 500 copies and this one is numbered 73 out of the 500. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so stop by and check it out.

Sunday, 2001.02.11Added to the?Authors Section?is a write up given to us by Susan Shwartz, co-author of?Vulcan’s Forge,?Vulcan’s Heart, and the upcoming?Vulcan’s Soul. Thanks Susan!
Also added today is the final chapter of?Federation’s End II: The Witching Hour?by E. L. Zimmerman in the?Fan Fiction Section.

Friday, 2001.02.09I just placed on?eBay?a Cargo Bay Container Prop Replica — this thing looks like it could break a Klingon’s back! 😉
Also added are 13 new entries to the?Behind the Scenes Section?in the?LCARS Database.
I have added a?3D Voyager at Warp?Screen Saver to the?Screen Saver?section. It’s by?Robert Bennett?at?Useless Creations. Thanks for letting us post it, Rob.

Wednesday, 2001.02.07Also added is a very short piece by John Thompson entitled?If “COPS” wrote Star Trek: Voyager?in the?Fan Fiction Section.
Added to the?Fan Fiction Section?is an original?Voyager?script entitled?Stranger from the Past?by Darrell Dumas.

Tuesday, 2001.02.06I have just placed on?eBay?several highly collectable items you won’t want to pass up — go check them out!
I have added chapter 34 of?Federation’s End II: The Witching Hour?by E. L. Zimmerman in the?Fan Fiction?Section.

Monday, 2001.02.05Two different autographed pics have been added to my?Autographs Section.
The title themes to the games Starfleet Command II and Klingon Academy have added to the soundtracks section of?Vic’s Lounge.
I have added several new Ship, People, and Miscellaneous Images to the?Download Gallery.

Thursday, 2001.02.01Got a few hours to spare? Head over to?Vic’s Lounge?and listen to Quark and his Ferengi Riles of Acquisition (or several of the other added stories).

Wednesday, 2001.01.31The?February Contest?is now online with an?awesome prize?– be sure to check it out! And congrats go to our January winner, Elsie Lee, who’s knew the answer was Captain Janeway.
We’re famous! I just received the December 6th issue of?The Flying Dutch, the Dutch Star Trek Fan Club Magazine and we’re in it!?Here is the article (and the Dutch to English translation).
I have added chapters 32 & 33 of?Federation’s End II: The Witching Hour?by E. L. Zimmerman in the?Fan Fiction?Section.

Tuesday, 2001.01.30I have just added chapter 31 of?Federation’s End II: The Witching Hour?by E. L. Zimmerman in the?Fan Fiction?Section.

Sunday, 2001.01.28I have added a?Bridge Section?to the?Starship Database?containing the bridge layouts of all your favorite bridges.
Be sure to stop by the?24th Century Today?Section to see what’s been added — you may just want one!

Saturday, 2001.01.27I have added chapters 29 and 30 of?Federation’s End II: The Witching Hour?by E. L. Zimmerman in the?Fan Fiction?Section.
I have added two more entries to?Starship Database, with many more to go…
Thanks to a purchase I made on eBay a few weeks ago, I am finially able to bring you what I believe is the best UFP image available. I have not seen this online elsewhere, so I believe it is a LCARSCom.Net exclusive! Added to the?Misc Images?Section is the?UFP?as seen in?Star Trek: Generations.

Friday, 2001.01.26Also, I have added 17 entries to the?Alien Database, 7 entries to the?Starfleet Database, 3 entries to the?Klingon Database, 8 entries to the?Starship Database, and 1 entry to the?Personnel Database.
I have added a 2-D and 3-D Chess Program to the?LCARS & Misc Programs?Section courtesy of?Doug Keenan?– thanks Doug!

Thursday, 2001.01.25I have added a Miscellaneous Section to?Vic’s Lounge?and the first (and only) selection (so far) is everyone’s favorite,?Ode to Spot?by Data.
Updated is the?Fan Fiction?section (again, but now) with the 28th chapter of?Federation’s End II: The Witching Hour?by E. L. Zimmerman.

Wednesday, 2001.01.24The cover to the second?Deep Space Nine Avatar?book is now online in the?Misc Images Section?– Cool!
We have also added another pic to the?LCARS Images Section?and updated the?Fan Fiction?section with the 27th chapter of?Federation’s End II: The Witching Hour?by E. L. Zimmerman.
Added to the?Authors Section?are the thoughts of Josepha Sherman, co-author of Vulcan’s Forge, Vulcan’s Heart and the upcoming Vulcan’s Soul. Thanks Josepha!

Tuesday, 2001.01.23I have made a few tweaks today… I updated the?Interactive Tour, the?LCARS Chat Net?and added an animated gif to the?Miscellaneous Images?section.

Monday, 2001.01.22We have taken our support of the?Deep Space Nine Horizons?campaign a step further — they are now located here, with us, at?www.lcarscom.net/ds9horizons. Be sure to pay them a visit and sign their petition!
I have just added?The 24th Century Today?Section, which not only includes the Panels we have, but several other great items. Be sure to check it out!

Saturday, 2001.01.20We are looking to sell another item from the 24th Century, a?Nakada Phaser Rifle?(it’s really cool looking). But first, the builder is looking for some initial feedack. Drop by their?feedack page?and let them know what you think. Thanks.

Friday, 2001.01.19HELP WANTED! I am in need of a character sketch/cartoon artist for an upcoming project. If you are interested and not too busy, please?E-Mail Me?several samples of your work.

Wednesday, 2001.01.17Well, the last PADD has been sold, but I have just placed on?eBay?something you don’t come across everyday. It is the Christmas gift given to the Cast and Crew of Deep Space Nine for the 5th (1996-1997) Season. Check it out!

Monday, 2001.01.15The clue for this month’s?Contest?has been posted. Good Luck.

Saturday, 2001.01.13This is just a quick note to let you know there is only 1 PADD left on?eBay?so you better hurry over there now.

Friday, 2001.01.12I have finally added the?Star Trek S.C.E.?E-Books to the?LCARS Bookstore?if anyone is interested. The only drawback about them is that you have to read them on your PC… And I will hopefully be able to get around to updating the?Books Section?with the upcoming books of 2001 soon.

Thursday, 2001.01.11We are having a New Millennium Sale in the?Computer Panel Replicas?Section. The price cuts range from 33% to 50%. Get them while you can!
Because I have had so many requests for the prop PADD replicas I have in my collection, I have put three of them on?eBay. But I must warn you — they are not cheap, but they are worth it.
The?Animations,?WAVs, and the?Vic’s Lounge?Downloads are?BACK ONLINE!!!?Go download it all now!

Wednesday, 2001.01.10I just updated the?LCARS Bookstore?with the two Mirror Universe books that were just released. Boy, do they look?hot.
Yesterday, I received the prize I will be giving away for February’s Contest — I think it’s the best prize we’ve offered to date! Sorry, I can’t tell you what it is. Now to think of a really hard question…
And the autographed Nurse Alyssa Ogawa Card I put on?eBay?yesterday has sold, thanks.

Tuesday, 2001.01.09I have switched news services from?Section 31?to?TrekToday?for the?Daily News Briefs. I have nothing against?Section 31?– I think it is a wonderful site and I will still check the news there daily, but?TrekToday?offers a system in which I don’t have to manually check for updates every few hours … and?that?can get tedious.
I have just put up for auction on eBay an autographed?Nurse Alyssa Ogawa Card?from the?Star Trek?Cinema 2000 card set.
And the Animations in the?Animations Section, the WAVs in the?Sounds Section, and the?Vic’s Lounge?Downloads are still offline…

Monday, 2001.01.08We have added a new?image?based on the upcoming Section 31 books. It can be found in the?Misc Images?Section.
The Animations in the?Animations Section, the WAVs in the?Sounds Section, and the?Vic’s Lounge?Downloads are temporarily offline due to DNS problems. I will post an update when they are back online (hopefully soon!!!).

Sunday, 2001.01.07Happy 1701 (1-7-01) Everyone!

Saturday, 2001.01.06I have just added a new LCARS animation to the?Animations Section?entitled Molecular Analysis — be sure to check it out!

Friday, 2001.01.05This Page (although there is one prior entry)! Let’s see how it works out — and one would think after three years I would have done this sooner…
I have also added a new?image?to the?LCARS Images?in the?Download Gallery.

Monday, 2001.01.01We are delighted to be able to bring you two?exclusive interviews?with both S.D. Perry and Keith R. A. DeCandido, authors of upcoming DS9 books that pick up where the TV series left off.
We have also updated the?contest?page with a new question and a new prize. Robert Walker was the winner of our last contest. He won the CD-Rom PC Game?Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force?Collector’s Edition and it’s Strategy Guide.
There are also three new stories in the?Fan Fiction?section. A DS9/Star Wars crossover, a Voyager/Dr. Who crossover and a story featuring Ron D. Moore and a salamander. 😉

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