In case you have a special event coming up, limousine and car services can always come in handy. They also help to make a day memorable and exciting. You can not, however, just wake up and decide to hire a limousine out of the blue as these types of things take planning. ( You need to take your time and ensure that you do it the right way and you need to make reservations to ensure that you can hire a driver and car in due time. Below we have listed a couple of items you would need to pay attention to when reserving a limo service:
1. Always check insurance
Before renting out a limousine or any car service, always verify that they have insurance. With proof of insurance, you can rest assured that they have a valid license recognized by the state. If you want to take it a step further, you may proceed to confirm that the limo service is part of a verified union or organization. It may be the National Limousine Association or the Minority Limousine Operators of America. You will rest easy knowing that you are in good hands and well covered in the event of a mishap.
2. Inquire about the drivers
Safety is paramount. Before getting into a cab, we always check to verify the identity of the driver. The same case applies to limousine transportation and car services. Inquire as to whether or not they screen their drivers to perform background checks for any suspicious activity. Confirm that the drivers are well trained and professional since the last thing you need is a rude driver who shows up late and behaves in a crass manner. They should also be well trained in car maintenance. If so, they may know what to do in case of an emergency such as a flat tire.?
3. Settle on costs beforehand
To avoid any unpleasant surprises, you should agree on the cost of the trip before the day of. Lay bare all the details regarding your trip. These may include where you will be going, how long you would need the car, the number of people that will be traveling. It will help the service company give you a figure that covers all those items. Inquire of any extra costs or charges that may incur, so that everything is in the light and you can make an informed decision.
4. Put it on paper
It is important to keep in mind that car service is a business, and just like any other, it may have some dirty tricks. To avoid these types of games, request the teams to put everything that you agree upon in writing, and have them sign it. This includes details such as the car model, how long you would be renting it for, and the cost. This way, it will be a legally binding contract in which neither party can breach the afore agreed terms, hence offering a sense of protection.
5. Compare and contrast
It doesn’t hurt to look around. To get the best deal, get as many quotes as possible and compare the various services provided by the different companies you talk to. Read reviews as well as they will grant you an idea of what to expect. They will also help you escape some of the pitfalls that others may have earlier fallen into.