There are various reasons why one would want to find a friend abroad. Friends from different countries are unique people. They will help you out and give their unbiased opinion if needed. Funchatt is here to help you figure out where to find a friend abroad.
Surf social media to find international friends- Funchatt
Search for groups that are related to your interests and follow some of the most active members. They will post their life very often, including different announcements for the upcoming events in that area.
Try specified social media
There are various platforms like Meetup that connect people from different countries in one place. Funchatt is one of them as well, and you can use it to look for international friends.
Go out to bars and coffee shops to meet locals or international friends
If you are currently in a different country, you might want to find people from your area. To do that, you should go to coffee shops or bars and meet people there. You can even meet someone new there as well.
Hang out on your own
You have one specific hobby or a wide list of things that you love, and you want to find someone that has things in common with you. If so, go out and do those things you love alone. It will more likely draw some attention of the people that are in the same situation as you.
Accept new invites and meet people
Don’t be afraid to meet new people and make plans with them. You should always remember the basic safety tips, but you can’t say “No” to plans just because you are too scared of new acquaintances.
Get to know friends of your friends
If you are scared of starting a conversation offline with a complete stranger, you might prefer going with friends of friends. There is always a chance that they will have something in common with you, and you can get a specific opinion on them from your friend right away.
Bonus: safety tips for meeting your online friend in real life
- Arrange a meeting in a public space.
- Make sure you have a plan B to get away if something goes wrong.
- Ask your friend or relative to come with you and watch you.
To be honest, finding international might be a hard task, but it is easy to manage if you know exactly what to do. So start with looking for people from different countries online, like social media, and move on to offline meetings if you have a chance!