Planet Name | Episode or Film First Seen In | Series |
‘audet 9 | The Child | (TNG) |
Acamar 3 | The Vengeance Factor | (TNG) |
Adelphous 4 | Data’s Day | (TNG) |
Adigeon Prime | Doctor Bashir, I Pressume | (DS9) |
Alastria | Prime Factors | (VOY) |
Aldea | When the Bough Breaks | (TNG) |
Aldebaran 3 | Where no man has gone before | (TOS) |
Alfa 117 | The Enemy Within | (TOS) |
Alpha 441 | Dreadnought | (VOY) |
Alpha Carinae 2 | The Ultimate Computer | (TOS) |
Alpha Carinae 5 | Wolf in the Fold | (TOS) |
Alpha Cygnus 9 | Sarek | (TNG) |
Alpha 3 | Court Martial | (TOS) |
Alpha Majoris 1 | Wolf in the Fold | (TOS) |
Alpha Moon | The Host | (TNG) |
Alpha Onias 3 | Future Imperfect | (TNG) |
Alpha Proxima 2 | Wolf in the Fold | (TOS) |
Alpha 5 | Charlie X | (TOS) |
Altair 3 | Encounter at Farpoint | (TNG) |
Altair 4 | Prophet Motive | (DS9) |
Altair 6 | Amok Time | (TOS) |
Altec | The Outrageous Okona | (TNG) |
Amargosa | Generations | (FLM) |
Amleth Prime | Return to Grace | (DS9) |
Andevian 2 | The Forsaken | (DS9) |
Andoria | Prophet Motive | (DS9) |
Angel One | Angel One | (TNG) |
Angosia 3 | The Hunted | (TNG) |
Antede 3 | Manhunt | (TNG) |
Antica | Lonely Among Us | (TNG) |
Antos 4 | Whom Gods Destroy | (TOS) |
Archanis 4 | The Day of the dove | (TOS) |
Archer 4 | Yesterday’s Enterprise | (TNG) |
Arcybite | The Nagus | (DS9) |
Ardana | The Cloud Minders | (TOS) |
Argellius 2 | Wolf in the Fold | (TOS) |
Argratha | Hard Time | (DS9) |
Ariannus | Let That be Your Last… | (TOS) |
Arkaria Base | Starship Mine | (TNG) |
Armus 9 | Angel One | (TNG) |
Arvada 3 | The Arsenal of Freedom | (TNG) |
Aschelan 5 | Dreadnought | (VOY) |
Atalia 7 | The Chase | (TNG) |
Atrea 4 | Inheritance | (TNG) |
Axanar | Whom Gods Destroy | (TOS) |
Babel | Journey to Babel | (TOS) |
Bajor | Emissary | (DS9) |
Bajor 8 | Past Prologue | (DS9) |
Balosnee 6 | The Nagus | (DS9) |
Barisa Prime | The Adversary | (DS9) |
Barkon 4 | Thine Own Self | (TNG) |
Barradas 3 | Gambit | (TNG) |
Barson 2 | Eye of the Beholder | (TNG) |
Beltane 9 | Coming of Age | (TNG) |
Benecia Colony | The Conscience of the King | (TOS) |
Benzar | A Matter of Honor | (TNG) |
Berengaria 7 | This Side of Paradise | (TOS) |
Bersallis 3 | Lessons | (TNG) |
Beta Agni 2 | The Most Toys | (TNG) |
Beta Antares 4 | A Piece of the Action | (TOS) |
Beta 3 | Return of the Archons | (TOS) |
Beta Kupsic | The Icarus Factor | (TNG) |
Beta Thoridar | Redemption | (TNG) |
Beta 6 | The Squire of Gothos | (TOS) |
Beta 12a | The Day of the Dove | (TOS) |
Betazed | Menage a Troi | (TNG) |
Beth Delta 1 | Evolution | (TNG) |
Bilana 3 | New Ground | (TNG) |
Bilaren System | True-Q | (TNG) |
Blue Horizon | Second Sight | (DS9) |
Bolarus 9 | Allegiance | (TNG) |
Bopak 3 | Hippocratic Oath | (DS9) |
Boraal 2 | Howeward | (TNG) |
Boreal 3 | Silicon Avatar | (TNG) |
Boreth | Rightful Heir | (TNG) |
Borka 6 | Face of the Enemy | (TNG) |
Bracas 5 | The Loss | (TNG) |
Brax | Q-Less | (DS9) |
Bre’el 4 | Deja Q | (TNG) |
Brekka | Symbiosis | (TNG) |
Brentalia | New Ground | (TNG) |
Bringloid 5 | Up the Long Ladder | (TNG) |
Browder 4 | Allegiance | (TNG) |
Bryma | The Maquis | (DS9) |
Bynaus | 11001001 | (TNG) |
Calder 2 | Gambit | (TNG) |
Caldos Colony | Sub Rosa | (TNG) |
Camor 5 | Bloodlines | (TNG) |
Camus 2 | Turnabout Intruder | (TOS) |
Canopus Planet | Where No Man Has Gone Before | (TOS) |
Capella 4 | Friday’s Child | (TOS) |
Cardassia | The Wounded | (TNG) |
Carema 3 | The Quality of Life | (TNG) |
Castal 1 | Suddenly Human | (TNG) |
Catualla | The Way to Eden | (TOS) |
Celtris 3 | Chain of Command | (TNG) |
Cerebus 2 | Too Short a Season | (TNG) |
Cestus 3 | Arena | (TOS) |
Ceti Alpha 5 | Space Seed | (TOS) |
Ceti Alpha 6 | The Wrath of Khan | (FLM) |
Chalna | Allegiance | (TNG) |
Chaltok 4 | Time and Again | (VOY) |
Chandra 5 | Tin Man | (TNG) |
Cheron | Let This be Your Last… | (TOS) |
Cirrus 4 | Conundrum | (TNG) |
Coltar 4 | We’ll Always Have Paris | (TNG) |
Cor Caroli 5 | Allegiance | (TNG) |
Coridan | Journey to Babel | (TOS) |
Corinth 4 | The Man Trap | (TOS) |
Corvan 2 | New Ground | (TNG) |
Cygnet 14 | Tomorrow is Yesterday | (TOS) |
Cygnia Minor | The Conscience of the King | (TOS) |
Daled 4 | The Dauphin | (TNG) |
Danula 2 | The Best of Both Worlds | (TNG) |
Daran 5 | For the World is Hollow… | (TOS) |
Davlos 3 | Visionary | (DS9) |
Dayos 4 | Blood Oath | (DS9) |
Dedestris | Prime Factors | (VOY) |
Deinonychus 7 | A Fistful of Datas | (TNG) |
Delb 2 | The Drumhead | (TNG) |
Delinia 2 | Realm of Fear | (TNG) |
Delios 7 | Sacred Ground | (VOY) |
Delos | Symbiosis | (TNG) |
Delos 4 | Remember Me | (TNG) |
Delphi Ardu | The Last Outpost | (TNG) |
Delta 4 | The Motion Picture | (FLM) |
Delta Rana 4 | The Survivors | (TNG) |
Delta Vega | Where No Man Has Gone Before | (TOS) |
Deneb 2 | Wolf in the Fold | (TOS) |
Deneb 4 | Encounter at Farpoint | (TNG) |
Deneb 5 | I, Mudd | (TOS) |
Deneva | Operation: Annihilate | (TOS) |
Denius 3 | Contagion | (TNG) |
Deriben 5 | Aquiel | (TNG) |
Dessica 2 | Gambit | (TNG) |
Devidia 2 | Time’s Arrow | (TNG) |
Dimorus | Where No Man Has Gone Before | (TOS) |
Donatu 5 | The Trouble with Tribbles | (TOS) |
Doraf 1 | Unification | (TNG) |
Dorvan 5 | Journey’s End | (TNG) |
Dozaria | Indiscretion | (DS9) |
Draken 4 | Face of the Enemy | (TNG) |
Drayan 2 | Innocence | (VOY) |
Draygo 4 | Homeward | (TNG) |
Draylon 2 | Sanctuary | (DS9) |
Drema 4 | Pen Pals | (TNG) |
Dreon 7 | For the Cause | (DS9) |
Dulisian 4 | Unification | (TNG) |
Durenia 4 | Remember Me | (TNG) |
Dyson Sphere | Relics | (TNG) |
Dytallix B | Conspiracy | (TNG) |
Earth | The Cage | (TOS) |
Earth Colony 2 | What Are Little Girls Made Of? | (TOS) |
Eden | The Way to Eden | (TOS) |
Ekos | Patterns of Force | (TOS) |
El-Adrel 4 | Darmok | (TNG) |
Elas | Elaan of Troyius | (TOS) |
Elba 2 | Whom Gods Destroy | (TOS) |
Emila 2 | A Matter of Perspective | (TNG) |
Eminiar 7 | A Taste of Armageddon | (TOS) |
Enara Prime | Remember | (VOY) |
Ennan 6 | Time Squared | (TNG) |
Epsilon Canaris 3 | Metamorphosis | (TOS) |
Epsilon Hydra 7 | Q-Less | (DS9) |
Erabus Prime | Q-Less | (DS9) |
Errikang 7 | Q-Less | (DS9) |
Evadne 4 | Clues | (TNG) |
Excalbia | The Savage Curtain | (TOS) |
Exo 3 | What Are Little Girls Made Of? | (TOS) |
Fabrina | For the World is Hollow… | (TOS) |
Fahleena 3 | Dramatis Personae | (DS9) |
Farius Prime | The Maquis | (DS9) |
Fendaus 5 | Loud as a Whisper | (TNG) |
Ferenginar | Family Business | (DS9) |
Fina Prime | Lifesigns | (VOY) |
Finnea Prime | A Simple Investigation | (DS9) |
Folnar 3 | Dark Page | (TNG) |
Forcass 3 | Parallels | (TNG) |
Forlat 3 | Silicon Avatar | (TNG) |
Gagarin 4 | Unnatural Selection | (TNG) |
Galador 2 | The Maquis | (DS9) |
Galdonterre | Blood Oath | (DS9) |
Galen 4 | Suddenly Human | (TNG) |
Galor 4 | The Offspring | (TNG) |
Galorda Prime | Rules of Engagement | (DS9) |
Galorndon Core | The Enemy | (TNG) |
Galvin 5 | Data’s Day | (TNG) |
Gamelan 5 | Final Mission | (TNG) |
Gamma Hromi 2 | The Vengeance Factor | (TNG) |
Gamma Hydra 4 | The Deadly Years | (TOS) |
Gamma 2 | The Gamesters of Triskelion | (TOS) |
Gamma Tauri 4 | The Last Outpost | (TNG) |
Gamma Trianguli 6 | The Apple | (TOS) |
Gamma Vertis 4 | The Empath | (TOS) |
Ganalda 4 | Nor the Battle to the Strong | (DS9) |
Garon 2 | Ensign Ro | (TNG) |
Gaspar 7 | Starship Mine | (TNG) |
Gault | Heart of Glory | (TNG) |
Gema 4 | Basics | (VOY) |
Gemaris 5 | Captain’s Holiday | (TNG) |
Gemulon 5 | Paradise | (DS9) |
Genesis Planet | The Wrath of Khan | (FLM) |
Gideon | The Mark of Gideon | (TOS) |
Gonal 4 | Disaster | (TNG) |
Gothos | The Squire of Gothos | (TOS) |
Gravesworld | The Schizoid Man | (TNG) |
H’atoria | All Good Things | (TNG) |
Halii | Aquiel | (TNG) |
Hanon 4 | Basics | (VOY) |
Hansen’s Planet | The Galileo Seven | (TOS) |
Harod 4 | The Perfect Mate | (TNG) |
Harrakis 5 | Clues | (TNG) |
Haven | Haven | (TNG) |
Hekaras 2 | Force of Nature | (TNG) |
Hemikek | Investigations | (VOY) |
Hemikek 4 | Lifesigns | (VOY) |
Heva 7 | The Chute | (VOY) |
Hoek 4 | Q-Less | (DS9) |
Holberg 917G | Requiem for Methuselah | (TOS) |
Hur’q Planet | The Sword of Kahless | (DS9) |
Hurada 3 | Violations | (TNG) |
Hurkos 3 | The Price | (TNG) |
Iadara Colony | Parallels | (TNG) |
Iconia | Contagion | (TNG) |
Icor 9 | Captain’s Holiday | (TNG) |
Ilari | Warlord | (VOY) |
Ilidaria | Parallax | (VOY) |
Indri 8 | The Chase | (TNG) |
Inferna Prime | The Ascent | (DS9) |
Ingraham B | Operation: Annihilate | (TOS) |
Invernia 2 | Melora | (TNG) |
Itamish 3 | The Jem’Hadar | (DS9) |
Ivor Prime | First Contact | (FLM) |
Iyaaran Homeworld | Liasions | (TNG) |
Janus 6 | Devil in the Dark | (TOS) |
Jaros 2 | Ensign Ro | (TNG) |
Jeraddo | Progress | (DS9) |
Jouret 4 | The Best of Both Worlds | (TNG) |
Juhraya | Preemptive Strike | (TNG) |
Jupiter | Starship Down | (DS9) |
Kaelon 2 | Half a Life | (TNG) |
Kalandan Outpost | That Which Survives | (TOS) |
Kaldra 4 | Violations | (TNG) |
Kalla 2 | Firstborn | (TNG) |
Kavis Alpha 4 | Evolution | (TNG) |
Kea 4 | The Chase | (TNG) |
Kelva | By Any Other Name | (TOS) |
Kenda 2 | Remember Me | (TNG) |
Kesprytt 3 | Attatched | (TNG) |
Kessik 4 | Faces | (VOY) |
Khefka 4 | Invasive Procedures | (DS9) |
Khitomer | The Undiscovered Country | (FLM) |
Kholfa 2 | The Alternate | (DS9) |
Klaestron 4 | Dax | (DS9) |
Klavdia 3 | The Dauphin | (TNG) |
Klingon Homeworld | Sins of the Father | (TNG) |
Kora 2 | Duet | (DS9) |
Kostolian | Cost of Living | (TNG) |
Kotati | Investigations | (VOY) |
Kraus 4 | Past Prologue | (DS9) |
Ktaria 7 | Emanations | (VOY) |
Kurill Prime | The Jem’Hadar | (DS9) |
Kurl | The Chase | (TNG) |
Kylata 2 | Meridian | (DS9) |
L-S 6 | The Alternate | (DS9) |
Lambda Paz | Final Mission | (TNG) |
Lamenda Prime | The Homecoming | (DS9) |
Landris 2 | Lessons | (TNG) |
Largo 5 | Babel | (DS9) |
Lazon 2 | Defiant | (DS9) |
Ledonia 3 | The Wire | (DS9) |
Legara 4 | Sarek | (TNG) |
Lemma 2 | New Ground | (TNG) |
Levinius 5 | Operation: Annihilate | (TOS) |
Ligobis 10 | Second Sight | (DS9) |
Ligon 2 | Code of Honor | (TNG) |
Ligos 7 | Rascals | (TNG) |
Lissepia | Indiscretion | (DS9) |
Loren 3 | The Chase | (TNG) |
Loval | Return to Grace | (DS9) |
Lunar 5 | The Hunted | (TNG) |
Lysia | Conundrum | (TNG) |
M’Kemas 3 | The Adversary | (DS9) |
M-113 | The Man Trap | (TOS) |
Mab-Bu 6 | Power Play | (TNG) |
Makus 3 | The Galileo Seven | (TOS) |
Malaya 4 | Identity Crisis | (TNG) |
Malcor 3 | First Contact | (TNG) |
Malkus 9 | Loud as a Whisper | (TNG) |
Manark 4 | The Empath | (TOS) |
Manu 3 | Legacy | (TNG) |
Maranga 4 | Firstborn | (TNG) |
Marcos 12 | And the Children Shall Lead | (TOS) |
Marejaretus 6 | Manhunt | (TNG) |
Mariah 4 | Dramatis Personae | (DS9) |
Marijne 12 | Interface | (TNG) |
Mariposa | Up the Long Ladder | (TNG) |
Marlonia | Rascals | (TNG) |
Mars | Booby Trap | (TNG) |
Marva 4 | For the Uniform | (DS9) |
Mataline 2 | Lessons | (TNG) |
Mavala 4 | Inheritance | (TNG) |
Meezan 4 | In Purgotory’s Shadow | (DS9) |
Meldrar 1 | Necessary Evil | (DS9) |
Meles 2 | Ship in a Bottle | (TNG) |
Melina 2 | Violations | (TNG) |
Melnos 4 | Lessons | (TNG) |
Melona 4 | Silicon Avatar | (TNG) |
Memory Alpha | The Lights of Zetar | (TOS) |
Merak 2 | The Cloud Minders | (TOS) |
Meridian | Meridian | (DS9) |
Merik 3 | Hippocratic Oath | (DS9) |
Midos 5 | What Are Little Girls Made Of? | (TOS) |
Milika 3 | Tapestry | (TNG) |
Mimas | The First Duty | (TNG) |
Minara 2 | The Empath | (TOS) |
Minos | The Arsenal of Freedom | (TNG) |
Minos Korva | Chain of Command | (TNG) |
Mintaka 3 | Who Watches the Watchers | (TNG) |
Miramanee’s Planet | The Paradise Syndrome | (TOS) |
Miridian 6 | Future Imperfect | (TNG) |
Mislen | The Swarm | (VOY) |
Mithren | Investigations | (VOY) |
Mizar 2 | Allegiance | (TNG) |
Moab 4 | The Masterpiece Society | (TNG) |
Moon | First Contact | (FLM) |
Mordan 4 | Too Short a Season | (TNG) |
Morikin 7 | Tapestry | (TNG) |
Morska | The Undiscovered Country | (FLM) |
Mudd | I, Mudd | (TOS) |
Mudor 5 | Disaster | (TNG) |
Myrmidon | Q-Less | (DS9) |
Nahmi 4 | Hollow Pursuits | (TNG) |
Napinne | Learning Curve | (VOY) |
Narendra 3 | Yesterday’s Enterprise | (TNG) |
Nasreldine | The Icarus Factor | (TNG) |
Nelvana 3 | The Defector | (TNG) |
Nervala 4 | Second Chances | (TNG) |
New Gaul | Bloodlines | (TNG) |
New Halana | Second Sight | (DS9) |
Nimbus 3 | The Final Frontier | (FLM) |
Nivoch | Prime Factors | (VOY) |
No’Mat | Rightful Heir | (TNG) |
Norpin Colony | Relics | (TNG) |
Ocampa Planet | Caretaker | (VOY) |
Oceanus 4 | The Game | (TNG) |
Ogus 2 | Brothers | (TNG) |
Ohniaka 3 | Descent | (TNG) |
Omega 4 | The Omega Glory | (TOS) |
Omekla 3 | Defiant | (DS9) |
Omicron Ceti 3 | This Side of Paradise | (TOS) |
Omicron 4 | Assignment: Earth | (TOS) |
Omicron Theta | Datalore | (TNG) |
Ophiucus 3 | Mudd’s Women | (TOS) |
Orelious 9 | Booby Trap | (TNG) |
Organia | Errand of Mercy | (TOS) |
Orias 3 | Defiant | (DS9) |
Ornara | Symbiosis | (TNG) |
Osinar 6 | Life Support | (DS9) |
Otar 2 | The Offspring | (TNG) |
Pacifica | Conspiracy | (TNG) |
Panora | For the Uniform | (DS9) |
Parada 2 | Whispers | (DS9) |
Parada 4 | Whispers | (DS9) |
Parliament | Lonely Among Us | (TNG) |
Parsion 3 | Business as Usual | (DS9) |
Peliar Zel | The Host | (TNG) |
Pelleus 5 | 11001001 | (TNG) |
Pendi 2 | Preemptive Strike | (TNG) |
Pentarus 2 | Final Mission | (TNG) |
Pentarus 5 | Final Mission | (TNG) |
Penthara 4 | A Matter of Time | (TNG) |
Persephone 5 | Too Short a Season | (TNG) |
Platonius | Plato’s Stepchildren | (TOS) |
Pluto | Generations | (FLM) |
Pollux 4 | Who Mourns for Adonais | (TOS) |
Pollux 5 | Who Mourns for Adonais | (TOS) |
Portas 5 | For the Uniform | (DS9) |
Potak 3 | Partuition | (VOY) |
Prakal 2 | In Theory | (TNG) |
Praxis | The Undiscovered Country | (FLM) |
Prema 2 | Basics | (VOY) |
Psi 2000 | The Naked Time | (TOS) |
Pyris 7 | Catspaw | (TOS) |
Pythro 5 | Rivals | (DS9) |
Planet Q | The Conscience of the King | (TOS) |
Qo’nos | The Undiscovered Country | (FLM) |
Quadra Sigma 3 | Hide and Q | (TNG) |
Qualor 2 | Unification | (TNG) |
Quatal Prime | For the Uniform | (DS9) |
Quazulu 8 | Angel One | (TNG) |
Rakal | Return to Grace | (DS9) |
Rakhar | Vortex | (DS9) |
Rakosa 5 | Dreadnought | (VOY) |
Ramatis 3 | Loud as a Whisper | (TNG) |
Regula | The Wrath of Khan | (FLM) |
Regulus 3 | Fascination | (DS9) |
Regulus 5 | Amok Time | (TOS) |
Rekag-Seronia | Man of the People | (TNG) |
Relva 7 | Coming of Age | (TNG) |
Remmil 6 | Heart of the Stone | (DS9) |
Remus | Balance of Terror | (TOS) |
Rigel 2 | Shore Leave | (TOS) |
Rigel 4 | Wolf in the Fold | (TOS) |
Rigel 5 | Journey to Babel | (TOS) |
Rigel 7 | The Cage | (TOS) |
Rigel 12 | Mudd’s Women | (TOS) |
Rinax | Jetrel | (VOY) |
Risa | Captain’s Holiday | (TNG) |
Rochani 3 | Dramatis Personae | (DS9) |
Romulus | Balance of Terror | (TOS) |
Ronara | Preemptive Strike | (TNG) |
Rousseau 5 | The Dauphin | (TNG) |
Ruah 4 | The Chase | (TNG) |
Rubicun 3 | Justice | (TNG) |
Rujian | A Man Alone | (DS9) |
Rura Penthe | The Undiscovered Country | (FLM) |
Rutia 4 | The High Ground | (TNG) |
Sahndara | Plato’s Stepchildren | (TOS) |
Sakura Prime | Dreadnought | (VOY) |
Saltok 4 | The Maquis | (DS9) |
Salva 2 | For the Uniform | (DS9) |
Sargon’s planet | Return to Tomorrow | (TOS) |
Sarona 8 | We’ll Always Have Paris | (TNG) |
Sarpeidon | All Our Yesterdays | (TOS) |
Sarthong 5 | Captain’s Holiday | (TNG) |
Saturn | The First Duty | (TNG) |
Scalos | Wink of an Eye | (TOS) |
Secarus 4 | Blood Oath | (DS9) |
Selay | Lonely Among Us | (TNG) |
Sentinel Minor 4 | The Best of Both Worlds | (TNG) |
Septimus Minor | The Ensigns of Command | (TNG) |
Setlik 3 | The Wounded | (TNG) |
Sherman’s Planet | The Trouble with Tribbles | (TOS) |
Shiralea 6 | Cost of Living | (TNG) |
Sigma Draconis 3 | Spock’s Brain | (TOS) |
Sigma Draconis 4 | Spock’s Brain | (TOS) |
Sigma Draconis 6 | Spock’s Brain | (TOS) |
Sigma Iotia 2 | A Piece of the Action | (TOS) |
Sikaris | Prime Factors | (VOY) |
Sobras | Alliances | (VOY) |
Solais 5 | Loud as a Whisper | (TNG) |
Solarion 4 | Ensign Ro | (TNG) |
Solosos 3 | For the Uniform | (DS9) |
Sothis 3 | The Chase | (TNG) |
Stakoron 2 | The Nagus | (DS9) |
Straleb | The Outrageous Okona | (TNG) |
Styris 4 | Code of Honor | (TNG) |
Surata 4 | Shades of Gray | (TNG) |
Suvin 4 | Rascals | (TNG) |
T’Lani 3 | Armageddon Game | (DS9) |
T’Lani Prime | Armageddon Game | (DS9) |
T’lli Beta | The Loss | (TNG) |
Tagra 4 | True-Q | (TNG) |
Tagus 3 | QPid | (TNG) |
Talos 4 | The Cage | (TOS) |
Tantalus 5 | Dagger of the Mind | (TOS) |
Tanuga 4 | A Matter of Perspective | (TNG) |
Tarchannen 3 | Identity Crisis | (TNG) |
Tarella | Haven | (TNG) |
Taresia | Favorite Son | (VOY) |
Tarod 9 | The Neutral Zone | (TNG) |
Tarok | Initiations | (VOY) |
Tarsas 3 | 11001001 | (TNG) |
Tarsus 4 | The Conscience of the King | (TOS) |
Tartaras 5 | Q-Less | (DS9) |
Tau Alpha C | Where No One Has Gone Before | (TNG) |
Tau Ceti | Whom Gods Destroy | (TOS) |
Tau Ceti 3 | Conspiracy | (TNG) |
Tau Ceti Prime | Coda | (VOY) |
Tau Cygna 5 | The Ensigns of Command | (TNG) |
Taurus 2 | The Galileo Seven | (TOS) |
Tavela Minor | Imaginary Friend | (TNG) |
Teleris | Q-Less | (DS9) |
Telfas Prime | Alliances | (VOY) |
Teluridian 4 | Ex Post Facto | (VOY) |
Terlina 3 | Inheritance | (TNG) |
Terosa Prime | Second Sight | (DS9) |
Tessen 3 | Cost of Living | (TNG) |
Tethys 3 | Clues | (TNG) |
Thalos 7 | The Dauphin | (TNG) |
Thanatos 7 | Phantasms | (TNG) |
Thasus | Charlie X | (TOS) |
Thelka 4 | Lessons | (TNG) |
Theta Cygni 12 | Operation: Annihilate | (TOS) |
Theta 7 | Obsession | (TOS) |
Tiburon | The Way to Eden | (TOS) |
Tilonus 4 | Frame of Mind | (TNG) |
Titan | The First Duty | (TNG) |
Titus 4 | Realm of Fear | (TNG) |
Tohvun 3 | Chain of Command | (TNG) |
Torad 4 | Body Parts | (DS9) |
Torga 4 | The Ship | (DS9) |
Torman 5 | Chain of Command | (TNG) |
Torna 4 | The Sword of Kahless | (DS9) |
Torona 4 | The Big Goodbye | (TNG) |
Tracken 2 | For the Uniform | (DS9) |
Triacus | And the Children Shall Lead | (TOS) |
Trill Homeworld | Invasive Procedures | (DS9) |
Triskelion | The Gamesters of Triskelion | (TOS) |
Troyius | Elaan of Troyius | (TOS) |
Turkana 4 | Legacy | (TNG) |
Tycho 4 | Obsession | (TOS) |
Tyrellia | Starship Mine | (TNG) |
Tyrus 7a | The Quality of Life | (TNG) |
Tzenketh | By Inferno’s Light | (DS9) |
Ufandi 3 | Firstborn | (TNG) |
Ultima Thule | Dramatis Personae | (DS9) |
Umoth 8 | The Maquis | (DS9) |
Unefra 3 | Improbable Cause | (DS9) |
Vacca 6 | Homeward | (TNG) |
Vadris 3 | Q-Less | (DS9) |
Vagra 2 | Skin of Evil | (TNG) |
Vandor 4 | We’ll Always Have Paris | (TNG) |
Vandros 4 | To the Death | (DS9) |
Vega Colony | The Cage | (TOS) |
Velara 3 | Home Soil | (TNG) |
Veloz Prime | For the Uniform | (DS9) |
Vendikar | A Taste of Armageddon | (TOS) |
Ventax 2 | Devil’s Due | (TNG) |
Venus | Future’s End | (VOY) |
Veridian 3 | Generations | (FLM) |
Veridian 4 | Generations | (FLM) |
Vilmor 2 | The Chase | (TNG) |
Volchock Prime | The Nagus | (DS9) |
Volon 2 | The Maquis | (DS9) |
Volon 3 | The Maquis | (DS9) |
Vulcan | Amok Time | (TOS) |
Wrigley Pleasure Pl. | The Man Trap | (TOS) |
Xanthras 3 | Menage a Troi | (TNG) |
Xerxes 7 | When the Bough Breaks | (TNG) |
Yadalla Prime | Gambit | (TNG) |
Yadera 2 | Shadowplay | (DS9) |
Yadera Prime | Shadowplay | (DS9) |
Zadar 4 | When the Bough Breaks | (TNG) |
Zalkon | Transfigurations | (TNG) |
Zayra 4 | Realm of Fear | (TNG) |
Zeon | Patterns of Force | (TOS) |
Zeta Alpha 2 | The Best of Both Worlds | (TNG) |
Zetar | The Lights of Zetar | (TOS) |
Zytchin 3 | Captain’s Holiday | (TNG) |