No matter whether you’re starting out or have a well-established construction company, it’s your responsibility to provide your employees with all the necessary means to perform their jobs in the best way possible. Employees in the construction industry must stay alert and aware at all times to avoid serious accidents from happening – anything from forklift accidents to falling products.
Truck operators are often faced with non-stop traffic which makes their job one of the most demanding and challenging work positions. Construction cars must always be kept in great shape, but also include important tools and equipment to ensure the safety of the drivers and those around them.
For this reason, in the post below, we list some of the most important equipment every construction truck should have to ensure that everyone is safe at all times and well prepared in the event of an emergency.
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Quality Lights
One of the most crucial pieces of equipment for construction trucks is having high-quality emergency lighting at all times. Whether we are talking about practical bed lights or a low profile led light bar, remember they’re essential when it comes to alarming other drivers to the fact that someone’s on the job and adding extra visibility for operators.
Ensure that you have premium quality truck work lights mounted on the top so that you get powerful light output to illuminate the working scene if you’re working at night. Always opt for lights specially designed for construction trucks, and make sure to change out bulbs and LED lights regularly for best results.
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal protective equipment is another important component that anyone operating a construction truck should use. This type of equipment includes a high visibility vest, eye protection, gloves, hearing protection, as well as appropriate clothing.
For instance, the person operating the vehicle should be dressed in fluorescent colors and have retro-reflective stripes on the front and back. This allows higher visibility on roads and reduces the chances of anyone getting injured by oncoming traffic. Gloves are a small yet highly important personal protective tool that drivers of construction trucks should use if they need to work under the hood or dig their truck out of the mud or snow.
Safety Flags
Safety flags are also some of the essential pieces of equipment construction trucks should carry. They make a perfect alternative for flares as they don’t pose a risk of causing flames like flares would, especially if the vehicle carries liquids or flammable gas.
The main purpose of such warning whip flags is that they provide easy identification of the fleet car in the most difficult, dark, and obstructed environments. They come in different fluorescent colors which make it possible for the vehicle to be seen, especially in harsh weather conditions or from great distances.
A Practical Toolset
If your construction trucks are used most of the time, make sure to include a basic toolset in case your truck’s battery dies or you get a flat tire. A basic toolset will include adjustable pliers, tire pressure gauge, spare tires, jumper cables, and much more.
Severe weather conditions, especially during wintertime, can make it difficult on vehicles, causing the battery to die out due to the cold weather. In such cases, having a basic toolset can make a huge difference as you can simply use jumper cables and quickly recharge the vehicle, instead of having to wait for someone to come help you out.
Fire Extinguisher
One piece of equipment that frequently gets overlooked but is a necessity in construction trucks is the fire extinguisher. It’s extremely important as it can significantly limit the number of instances of damage if there’s some flame ignition in the truck.
In addition, fire extinguishers are the top items listed in the Title 49 regulations but having them in the vehicle isn’t enough. You must ensure that the people operating the construction truck get the proper training on using it and inform them about all the procedures before any type of emergency happens on the road.
First Aid Kit
First aid kits are a necessity in any type of work environment, especially when working in the construction industry and when operating a construction truck. A first aid kit can be crucial to have if an accident occurs and you or someone else needs care.
In general, a proper first aid kit should include Band-Aids, antiseptic wipes, at least one certified rescue blanket for the driver, adhesive tape, and other first-aid essentials.
Final Thoughts
There are many pieces of equipment one should have when operating a construction truck. By including the basic equipment mentioned above, you will ensure that your employees are safe and well prepared in the event of an emergency while on the road.